Human Resources Management
HR is both the glue that holds a business together and the grease that keeps its gears turning smoothly. It is the management of people; caring for their health and safety, managing their financial investment in the company, and fostering their growth within the organization and beyond. Keystone College’s HR certificate and coursework will give you a well-rounded foundation in the human resource management sector to keep your organization’s most valuable assets–its people–working as smoothly as you do.
There are many opportunities to continue your human resources learning with our online offerings through the Professional Development Institute at Keystone College.
If you have any questions, please email us at
The Professional Development Institute
Keystone College
Ward Hall
One College Green
La Plume, PA 18440-0200
570-945-8621 or 570-945-8622

SHRM Approved and HRCI (Business and Strategy) Approved Courses.
Some courses below have been pre-approved for Recertification Credit(s) towards any of HRCI’s eight credentials, including SPHR® and PHR® .

SHRM Recertification Provider
Keystone College Professional Development Institute through MindEdge is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.