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Business Ethics in the 21st Century

About this course

Ethical decisions in business are everywhere. Managers and leaders, ideally, choose the moral right versus the moral wrong all the time. Organizations have learned that the costs of unethical actions can be high, both legally, and from the perspective of brand image and reputation. This introductory-level course introduces the major ethical frameworks in business and seeks to give learners a strong foundation in ethical business practices, whether as individuals, as a leaders, or as stewards of the organization. This course reviews how organizations can establish and encourage an ethical culture while monitoring for compliance.

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe the major ethical frameworks used in developing business ethics
  • Explain the three components of the Ethical Triangle: Individual Ethics, Leadership Ethics, and Governance and Control
  • Discuss key ethical challenges in the workplace
  • Describe the use of organizational ethics codes
  • Outline the ethical issues involved in the employer-employee relationship including Employment at Will, due process and fairness
  • Discuss the use of ethics training
  • Explain how organizations monitor ethical performance

[icon name=”clock-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Estimated length: 10 hours
[icon name=”calendar” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Access Time: 90 days
[icon name=”check” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  HRCI credits: 10 (Strategic Business)   |   SHRM credits: 10
[icon name=”globe” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Delivery: Online
[icon name=”credit-card-alt” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Cost: $249

Professional Development Institute

John P. Gorel, Director, Corporate Relations

Email: pdi@3327e.com

Online courses and certificates, offered by a trusted partner, are self-paced and can be conveniently accessed anytime and anywhere from a computer with an internet connection. Courses are engaging and include real-world examples, videos, interactive games, assessments, and focused instruction. An "Ask the Expert" feature allows you to pose course-related questions and receive feedback within 24 hours. Courses are accessible, customizable, integrated, printable and mobile-friendly.

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